Publication Announcement: November 2015 Philosophie Magazine

I’m thrilled to share some fantastic and exciting publication news! Philosophie Magazine is a industry magazine designed for boudoir professionals and put out by the Association of International Boudoir Photographers (AIBP). Recently, I was asked to contribute an article on how I create our “Alter Ego” or themed, stylized sessions. They wanted me to discuss how I collaborate closely with clients to create their vision while working within a theme. I had just photographed a Great Gatsby-inspired boudoir session for a client and, when I asked, she was excited to submit them for consideration (because, of course, images would NEVER be made public in any way without a client’s written consent along with a signed privacy policy and model release!). I was incredibly honored to receive an 8 page spread featuring my article and our photographs! Below you’ll see the magazine cover (not my image) as well as my featured article and photographs, including a two page photo spread. It’s positively gorgeous in print!





Ready for a shoot of your own in our Connecticut boudoir studio? Looking for a CT boudoir photographer? Love vintage looks and inspired by old Hollywood glamour? Get in touch! Call or send me an email, I’m here to help!

Guest Blog – Christian Lucas of The Lucas Brand

I have something really special to share with you all this weekend! I was blessed to recently meet and photograph the brilliant Christian Lucas. Christian is an internationally known and published female and celebrity impersonator that lives right here in CT. His message of loving yourself and others spoke to my heart and I was truly inspired by his tremendous capacity for love and acceptance. I asked him if he would share some of his wisdom here on the blog and I was honored when he happily obliged! Thank you, Christian, for sharing with us all!

Look at you

Lovely you

Yes it is true

You can only be you

For this is nothing new

True love, love true

Love you

Love me too

When it comes to truly loving ourselves we tend to shy away from the real and the heart of the matter. There are so many standards nowadays to live up to, how can anyone truly love him or her self? We continue to strive for the unattainable, we continue to ape the perfection standard and we continue to fall short. Well if you have had any of these questions or concerns then I have an answer for you. Are you ready for it? I mean are you really ready for the truth?

The truth is, when it comes to loving yourself the easiest way to do it is by loving others. Now I know some of you may have the side eye coming along or the twisted look of confusion on your beautiful face but allow me to explain. Everyone in existence; I am sure by now has heard the “oh so popular” phrase “In order to love someone else you have to first love yourself.” I am here to tell you that this statement is false and it is one of the many reasons why there is so much self doubt and self hate in this world. A baby born to a loving mother knows not what self love truly is. A child’s first love is for its mother and the family tends to follow. Love is something that is taught, just as hate is something that is taught. Now I don’t mean taught in the sense of “boys and girls the lesson for today is how to love and hate.” No, I simply mean that children learn by seeing, baring witness, and the greatest teacher of all… experience. We forget sometimes that the subliminal lessons are the ones that usually have the greatest retention in our lives, minds and daily habits.

In the world we live in we are always told to be something other than what we are. We are told by the models, the magazines, the molds and the masses to be thin. We are told by the blogs, the body builders and the books to be beautiful on the outside. We are also told by the media that we should always strive to be better. What is wrong with the way we are now? What is wrong with they way we are naturally? We say that there is always room for improvement as if there is a road that leads to perfection. The truth is that perfection cannot be obtained because we already have it in each of us. By mere definition the word “perfection” means without flaw or as good as it gets. If someone tells you that you have a flaw does that mean you are no longer perfect ? No! Flaws are personal. If someone tells you that your smile is crooked but your smile is one of your favorite characteristics of yourself then their comment really holds no weight. When we think about flaws we really can’t blame anyone but ourselves.

You are not born with flaws. Flaws are put upon you. You don’t just wake up one day and say oh I am fat, ugly and repulse others. Where would you get that from? TV? Social media? Peers? Family even? Which brings me back to the beginning; if we were to embrace each other and our differences then there would be no standard of beauty. Everyone in the world would be seen as beautiful and that would be the ideal utopia. Everyone in the world being seen as beautiful would cause a chain reaction on a beyond massive scale. Still don’t believe me? Eating disorders would be minimized drastically since the majority of them are derived from the need to be beautiful. The suicide rate would go down drastically since a vast majority of suicides (especially youth) are due to bullying and other outside forces that some people just cannot handle emotionally. Cheating would be minimized harshly since a lot of times the main excuse is that your partner isn’t perfect (80/20 rule) or is missing something. The list can go on and on and on for days until we are all blue in the face but I do not have nearly enough time or characters. You will just have to buy my book…when it’s finished.

My home work for everyone is to take 1 person per day and show them love. I do mean in the superficial sense. Instead of taking the negative approach that the world has clearly opted for, take the higher road and make someone not only smile but make their day. After you are done with the love, tell them to pass it on to two individuals (pay it forward if you will). Your final exam will be looking in the mirror the next day.

Through most all of my life I have been told that one thing or another is not okay. There is an issue with me being black, gay, fat, not societies view of beautiful (unless I am in makeup), not being a manly man, dressing in drag, and the list goes on. One thing I have found is that I don’t want to be like everyone else. I want to be a work of art all on my own.

“Will you follow what is already mass produced or will you be a work of art all on your own?” In the end the choice is really yours.

I always use art as an example because it really tells a story just like all of us as humans tell a story. Why does the popular and “perfect” work of art have to be the norm and the coloring outside the line be frowned upon? Why do we have to turn our noses up at anything that dares to be different? Why do I have to ask these questions when the answers stare us in the face on a daily basis.

When it comes to the topic of self love I can tend to get a little long winded so I will leave you with three things; 1 simple fact, 1 quote and 1 gift.

  1. At the end of the day, everyone just wants to be loved. Plain and simple.
  2. When live gives you lemons, make grape juice. Then sit back and watch the world wonder how you did it. (it means do the unexpected)
  3. A smile. When all else fails, you can always smile. If you don’t have any love to give anyone then just give a smile.



Feeling inspired? Thinking about a shoot of your own at our Connecticut boudoir and glamour photography studio? Contact Beth at Lost Highway Imaging with all of your questions! Send an email today!

Behind-the-Scenes of a Boudoir Shoot

Ever wonder what it looks like behind-the-scenes of a boudoir shoot in our CT studio? Well, Danni was gracious enough to allow us to catch some fun little video clips of her experience! With no modeling experience, Danni was worried she wouldn’t know how to pose or what expressions she should make… the exact same worry every other woman has when she comes in for her first photo shoot! This gorgeous mom was excited to play dress up for a day and even more excited to don MayMac Design Studio’s gorgeous Tiffany’s burlesque costume! Katey Cusack, our brilliant in-house designer, dreamed up this gorgeous, over-the-top creation as an ode to the classic Tiffany’s “Little Blue Box!” Danni’s enthusiasm was contagious and I think we laughed for 4 hours straight! We’d have to take a deep breath and stop laughing just to take the photos!


By the time we were through with hair and makeup, it was like the 3 of us had known each other forever… so it was down to business! Danni is clearly a natural and, after little professional pose and expression coaching, she can easily go toe-to-toe with any supermodel!


Is your interest piqued? Wonder what it would be like to be a supermodel for a day and star in a photo shoot of your very own! I’m here to help and I’ll walk you through every step of the process! As you can see in the video, I don’t just stick you in front of the camera and tell you to “be sexy” because what the hell does that even MEAN anyway? I’ll give you step-by-step instructions and hold your hand from the first pose to the last! Every woman is beautiful and every woman CAN look like a cover girl! Come and let me show you! VIEW AVAILABLE APPOINTMENTS OR BOOK NOW




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Ready?? Contact our Connecticut boudoir studio today! You can email Beth Claire at or call 860-608-4868. Whether you are ready to book your shoot right now or you have a million questions, we’re here to help! The studio is located in Preston, CT just minutes from Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun Casino. We serve all of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and beyond. Our clients come to us from Hartford, New Haven, Boston, NYC, Providence and all over the East Coast!

An Interview About Body Acceptance

April is an amazing force. When I met her I was immediately in awe of her quiet, soulful confidence and her inner strength. We communicated for quite a while before her shoot and, by the time we met for the first time, she felt like an old friend! Her laughter lights up a room and her energy was contagious on set! I knew I wanted to include her in my interview series and I was so thrilled at her enthusiasm to contribute! April has been through a tremendously challenging and unexpected health issue and I loved that she went into planning her session just as much for herself as for her partner. I was also excited that she wanted to approach her interview from a point of body acceptance, especially on the heels of my previous post about body shaming. She, like most of us, has struggled with accepting her body and loving herself for who she is right at this moment. I can identify with that internal battle and we bonded over it right away. I’m so happy she chose to be featured here and I love how thoughtful and moving her interview is.


LHI: What initially made you decide to book a boudoir shoot?

April: For a very long time I was trapped by thoughts I allowed to be enforced by culture policies where I thought I needed to be a certain size in order to be enough. Initially I used the idea of a boudoir shoot as a reward for reaching the ultimate goal, a size I thought I needed to reach. I thought once I succeeded in reaching that size I would be worthy of nice things. A lot of energy was expended on overcoming excuses to shrink my measurements. I developed the mindset that my body deserved to be punished and submit to thinness.

It took the recovery of an unprovoked pulmonary embolism for me to realize the progress in my health did not equate to perfection. I found strength in this process and embraced loving all 6 feet tall and one inch of me. I discovered that it is okay take up space. I had originally contacted Beth to schedule a session as a reward for completing a challenge. The challenge became a lesson in body acceptance. This shoot made me realize I am beautiful and worthy exactly as I am. The recovery struggles had me gain weight and I finally realized I needed to just book the shoot and stop waiting. While the pictures were a gift for my husband, the investment for myself was the best gift I could give myself.


LHI: What was your biggest fear before you booked your shoot? Did it come true and, if not, what happened instead?

April: My biggest fear was that I would hate what I saw in the pictures. I was nervous my insecurities would be captured on film. That fear or shame would be reflected in my eyes. I was worried the time and cost would result in me sliding backwards. The reveal was incredibly emotional for me because Beth captured me embracing my body and I could see the confident strong woman I knew I was. My husband commented that the pictures captured me exactly how he sees me when he looks at me when we wake up each morning and how I carry myself through the day. She captured my strength.


LHI: What was your favorite part of your photo shoot?

April: Preparing for the shoot was a lot of fun. Per the suggestion of Beth I looked for inspiration on her site and made a Pinterest board. I enjoyed planning my outfits. She gave me a packing list and a prep list and I felt empowered and prepared. My most favorite part was the actual shoot itself. Beth made me feel pampered and beautiful and amazing. I stepped into her studio and disconnected from the daily static of responsibilities. It was a lot of fun, the hair and make up and the overall vibe of the studio was exciting. Beth made me feel comfortable. She helped me focus on my assets and was very positive. I never felt as though she was trying to hide any flaws. She focused on my strength. I walked out with energy and a renewed since of confidence because I faced insecurities in front of the lens.


LHI: Why should women treat themselves to this experience?

April:The reward of the experience goes beyond the photos. It is an investment women should make in themselves. Beth captures women in a way a portrait or selfie never could. Every woman deserves to experience the transformative process in front of the lens.


LHI: If you were going to tell your best friend about your experience with Lost Highway Imaging, what would you tell her?

April: This investment is worth it. Beth is very professional. She coached me through the entire process from the consultation before the shoot to posing me to my pinkie. I could tell she was genuinely excited for me at the reveal. This is an amazing opportunity for you to invest in yourself. It can be a beautiful step in body acceptance and loving yourself.




CT boudoir photography



April, there are not even words that can convey the amount of love, respect and admiration I have for you! You are a beautiful, bright, brave woman that I am proud to have been trusted with the opportunity to show you just how gorgeous you really are. You are the kind of woman I want my daughter to look up to and exactly the kind of women our world needs more of.


Want to book your own boudoir photo shoot in Connecticut or elsewhere in New England. Our CT boudoir, glamour and pinup photography studio serves the entire upper east coast, from Massachusetts and Rhode Island to New York and New Jersey. Our all-female team is committed to introducing YOU to your inner bombshell in a safe, body-positive, fun environment! Contact Beth at 860-608-4868 or email

The Real World Effect of Body Shaming

“She really needs to eat a sandwich.”

“But she’s not HEALTHY! Being overweight isn’t HEALTHY!”

“Real women have curves.”

“Bones are for the dog. Meat is for the man.”


Body shaming. It’s a hot button issue right now. It’s becoming a media buzz word. From the “Perfect Body” campaign by Victoria’s Secret (which was insulting, at best) to the movement towards putting an end to bullying girls in schools, it encompasses a huge range of issues and elicits a strong response from many women (as well as men). It’s also something that many of us have personally experienced. Body shaming happens to skinny women, curvy women, those with DDD cups and those with A cups. It happens to light skin women and dark skinned women. Body shaming is an equalizer. It happens to children, teens and adults. I saw this piece from the Meredith Vieira show I was really touched. I have followed Tess Holliday for a number of years and I find her positively inspirational. She had a dream and she worked towards it every single day. She didn’t let naysayers and detractors stop her. She didn’t let “societal standards” stop her. She just kept making progress towards her goals. While the internet trolls we sitting anonymously behind their keyboards spreading their misery and unhappiness, she was succeeding. And now she’s made history.

Here’s the thing about body shaming… we can allow it to tear us apart as individuals or we can allow it to build us up as a community. I have watched the pain of body shaming bring women together in a way that very few other things can. Watching women come together in support of each other inevitably makes me feel emotional. We need to stop letting body size and shape tear us apart. It’s not a competition! We can choose to build each other up and share confidence, love and acceptance (and, here’s a HUGE one, teach acceptance to our children) just as easily as we can cut others down. Why not spread kindness? I am often reminded of the quote by Wendy Mass in The Candymakers: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

I can’t wait for the day when Tess isn’t referred to as a “Plus-Size Model” and is simply called what she is… a model and a beautiful, strong, confident, successful woman.

